Let me tell you a little about my story. As the Internet began taking over the world, dollar signs flashed almost constantly in the back of my mind. I did some research to see who was making money from this evolution. I ran across import companies, search engines, web-sitedevelopment/hosting companies, and auction sites. That was a year ago. Now, more than ever, the Internet is starting to define business. People are actually paying for and downloading songs for their listening pleasure. People are researching, planning, and booking entire vacations online. People who love information are inhaling the Internet. Information is everywhere. Of course that presents a bit of a dilemma. Information overload. Part of the problem with researching the Internet is the information you glean during your surfing is highly if not completely unorganized. You do a Google search. You notice there are thousands of pages relevant to your search terms. So, you narrow your search by adding a word or two. Now you're down to several hundred pages. And you start clicking on them, one after the other.
On to the next problem of up-popping popups. Darn those things. By the time you close all the windows, you may have very well forgotten why you sat down at the computer in the first place. Even on sites without pop ups, you really don't know what exactly you're going to get or whether or not the source is reliable. So, the Internet is like a feast with some of the options being spoiled. Yuck! But the buffet is intriguing, so most of us tend to return to try our luck again and again. Anyway, all this got me to thinking, what about ebooks? Yeah, sure, you can read Charles Dickens on a computer, but I'm talking about ebooks that teach, in a nonfiction sort of way. If I could put a few good ebooks on the web, then maybe people who wanted to learn about a topic could read an entire book from a reputable source online.